Friday, January 15, 2016

I am trapped in a world full of boxes.

I fill my days climbing out of one box

only to find myself in another.

I want to be free

I want to be run

I want to see the sky

not through the window of a box

but wide and free of constraint.

I am trapped in a world full of boxes

and when I die

they shall seal my final box

so that I

may never escape.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

good days

Good days are like halloween candy, you can't get enough. And having good people around you is like christmas all year round.

If you love all the craziness in yourself, you'll find someone crazy enough to love you....

My AHA Moment

Hi, my names angela I have two spirited boys and just recently got married for the third and last time. I've always wanted to start a blog but I could never think of what to blog about. I'm not into politics or fashion. I don't know a lot about anything really and I can be a little scattered brained. Then one day I saw an interesting magazine while in line at the grocery store called Live Happy. Now I bought one issue liked it but didn't think much else about it. Then I bought a second issue and final it hit me, happy thoughts I love collecting inspirational quotes from all over or funny pictures that make you feel better. So that's my blog all the funny,happy, silly, uplifting things that are floating out there today that no one may know even exist. Just to make life a little happier.